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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

“Stringed puppets and fine music tell a wondrous story of a small boy’s friendship with a magical balloon. Adults and children alike will enjoy this piece for its simple beauty and playful innocence.” Everything Theatre​​


"It's remarkable how a piece of wood, artfully manipulated, can bring tears to the eye." The Stage


"Using forced perspective, multi-sized puppets, elaborate staging (and a really sweet dog), String Theatre brought a cinematic quality to their letterbox sized stage that had the adults in the audience entranced." 

David Vass for The Corn Hall


E V E N T S​

28 June 2025

The Insect Circus

Lyric Theatre Hammersmith, London


July & Aug 2025

The Insect Circus

Dates TBC​


We are recipients of the Harlequin Award from the British Puppet and Model Theatre Guild.

The Insect Circus has been awarded the Drac d'Or  for best family show at  Fira De Titelles de Lleida, Spain, in 2022.


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